Black Lagoon
"Black Lagoon" is a Japanese manga and anime series created by Rei Hiroe. It is set in the criminal underworld and follows the adventures of a group of mercenaries known as the Lagoon Company.
The story revolves around Rokuro "Rock" Okajima, a Japanese businessman who becomes caught up in the world of piracy and smuggling after being kidnapped by the Lagoon Company during a business trip to Southeast Asia. Rock eventually joins the Lagoon Company, which consists of the tough and ruthless Dutch, the trigger-happy Revy, and the tech expert Benny.
Together, the members of the Lagoon Company take on various jobs, including smuggling, combat missions, and dealing with other criminal organizations. The series combines elements of action, adventure, crime, and dark humor.
"Black Lagoon" is known for its gritty and violent depiction of the criminal underworld, as well as its complex characters and intense action sequences. It explores themes of morality, survival, and the consequences of one's actions in a lawless environment.
The manga was first serialized in 2002, and the anime adaptation aired from 2006 to 2007. It has gained a significant following both in Japan and internationally for its engaging story and well-developed characters.